I am a vrey positive person with a quite unique and beautiful outlook on life. Obviously it has not been so easy for me to put all Pieces together because I am gay, they bullied me in School, my parents are sometimes really stupid and awful but I love them anyway etc. etc...The list goes on and on. Now, I have really made a decision to not be so dramatic about everything that happends in life. Life is "disturbing" I know that now. But I still do care about my own and others welfare but I am not trying to overcompensate all the time, which is really good/nice. It gives me more energy to what's really means something for me in my life and not what others think etc.
Many of us have been there done that...changed life dramaticly after realizing that what matters are really very few things in life, like: Family, Friends, Relationships, Nature, Wellness...
But it is also very important for me to fullfill my inner ambitons, dreams if you like. That has now becomed even more important. BUT, now I am doing it because I WANT it and not because I want to be liked etc etc.
I believe I thought earlier that I could create a life that would only be about me and my needs etc etc. But by thinking like that I created a life for me where I constantly thought about what people in my surrounding was thinking about me and what they wanted etc etc. An awful and stressful life if you ask me!
Now then, what is next: Yes, I am moving to Norway for to make some money and hopefully have a good funny life while I am doing it. After that, lets say 6 months later in November/December I want to move back to Sweden for a while and be there during christmas...but after that I want to go to New York for Drama School...Lee Strasberg maybe.
Obviously I don't know what will happend...maybe everything change a long the way, but I got to have plans...and for that I have to be able to dream a little!
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