lördag 30 april 2011

Well Well I have to be honest...

...that is not real Justin Bieber. I am so sorry to have mislead you...

Is'nt he a feast for your eyes?

Joan Rivers announced that he had been listed the richest american lesbian, right after Oprah Winfrey!...

Oh, good God, poor Bieber...he always ends up second best!

True Belieber!

No, Justin that is not a sexy outfit for you!

I am sending you straight away to the fashion police!

Oh, I just found this clip from the show fashion police where they acctually mention Justin Bieber.

"Joan Rivers call him..."

Snurra min ängel.

Jag önskar att livet var underbart vackert och enkelt.

"Så dansa då min ängel till livets musik
Le medan du kan och ta dina chanser
Saknar du något så frågar du dig om
du verkligen behöver det, ifall svaret
är ja så vet du hur du ska få det, om
svaret är nej så glömmer du det.
Så dansa då min ängel, dansa till livets
musik, Le så att det knakar i käkarna
av lust och glädje,
Snurra min ängel!"


Photo was taken at Laduree London.

Mmmmm, yummy!


My favourite flavours are: Pistachio, Chocolate and Blackcurrant Violet


What do you see in this photo?


A swedish programme about Literature...Love reading. Like meeting your inner self. Novels helps you see the world in different perspectives. On somehow I think it also gives readers an understanding for other people, in other countries, cultures and situations.


She is one of my favourite comedians...

Her latest tweet from when she appeared on her show Fashion Police commenting the royal wedding: "Our drinking game during the Royal Wedding was to throw one back when we saw an African American. By the end we were still stone cold sober."

She is so funny!

Luna Lovegood...

...is trending on twitter...I think she is my favourite after Harry...I don't know what to think about Hermione, she can be such a bitch. But still she is the most clever of the trio...in comparison to, what is his nam? ...Ron Weasley. Good God he is both stupid and ugly...I can't understand all these girls that fall in love with him...it is Crazy!

One reader in Ghana...can it be a former boyfriend? hahaha


Readers from all over the place...

I like my park bench pictures...when I am in Kensington, London, I almost always go to the same park bench in Hyde Park...

...and just observe people walking by and I just feel happy...

Especially after having had one of these...

A vegan cupcake from Whoole Foods.

It is my favourite food store...

In a way...

...I think the Swedish Royal Wedding last year was a lot more romantic...I mean did we see this or this ...even I cry, and I am against the monarchy, but I am not against love and romance!

For almost a year ago...

...I was in Stockholm for the Swedish Crown Princess Victorias wedding and I captured these two policewo(men)...or is it two male policemen?
What do you think? Bear in mind that our minister of finance also have a ponytail.

The funny thing is...

...that for us swedes Pippa, as in Pippa Middleton literally means fucking. Nevertheless I really liked her. She really looks quite a lot like her sister Kate Middleton, maybe she can be her stand in if they want to hide from the press or if Harry wants to have a Middleton too!

fredag 29 april 2011

Idag så har jag inga bilder från...

...lunchen med kära vännerna...eftersom att min kamera sladd ligger hemma i byrålådan tillsammans med en massa annan bråte...och nu är jag hemma hos mamski und papski på landet. Det känns ju trist, inte minst för er...men jag lovar to show you a white trash photo of my lunch at a later stage...

Annars så har dagen bjudit på lite blandad kompott...mestadels umgänge med vänner och familj...fast jag hann även att baka en super god kaka, handla malibuuu på systembolaget, se hela den engelska bröllops yran och ceremonin...här kan ni se klipp och sammandrag från hela dagens firanden i London!

I Great Britain så finns det stort stöd för kungahuset...

...men tydligen inte lika starkt stöd hemma hos oss i Sverige. Man ser inte bara en fallande trend i stöd för monarkin, själva rollen för monarkin förändras så sakteligen.

The Royal Wedding.

Here is a link for to watch the royal wedding on you tube.

torsdag 28 april 2011

Then of to the green partys local head quarter for another talk with some politicans.

Finishing of the day, having a drink with lovely and beautiful Fredrika.

Dinner at Bara Vara.

I always have a fresh sallad and plenty of water.

Then lecture at uni

Then I went on gorgeous and brilliant Gustav Fridolins lecture at uni...he is soon the new spokesperson for the green party, "Miljöpartiet".
After that I ate lunch with my grandpa and bought some groceries for him. No pics, he looks horrible...
Dear Emilie gave me some easter treats that she had made.

Visst är de fina?:D

And After that "heavy" breakfast I just had too...

- go for a walk with some friends. And we ended up by a nice lake nearby where we took a short break.

And the road lead us to this place where the birds sang beautifuly.

And of course...

some breakfast.

A bowl of some kind of oat flakes "Havre fras" with soy yoghurt, a little bit of cinnamon and banana! Delic.


Start the day with a chocolate truffle... mmm so yummy!

It is spring time...

Spring. Sunshine. Tree. Leaves. Shadow. Glimpses of

Väldigt bra program...

"Från Sverige till himlen".
Framförallt intressant...man får verkligen lära sig mera om andra kulturer, seder och bruk.

Interview with John Cleese.

A long interesting interview with John Cleese on "Eftertio".
He talks about why he has to continue with shows, paying his ex-wife.
And also why he started doing comedy and what creativity is for him.

Putin in Sweden...

Picture taken from Zetterling. I like the kiss remarks on their cheeks.


Today it is a full schedule, meeting friends, eating lunch with little grandpa, then after that a lecture at the university about green politics, then some cleaning and last but not least some drinks and maybe also dinner with some friends...it is at least sunny in my heart!


onsdag 27 april 2011

Never Look back in anger.

Never Look back in anger. There is always something to be cheerful about...and promise me one thing: To celebrate all the time...celebrate anything, anytime. Because everyone needs to celebrate something - even if it is just sunshine or rain!

Super trevlig kväll med tjejerna!

SÅ mysigt att umgås med flickorna...det är så kul med avslappnade vänner med "bra" humor!

Dear, God...

...give me a normal day job in Oslo with a really good salary and benefits!

WHy so happy looser? I bought that shirt on H&M...it is now in the dust bin.

So Pure. And white. I'm an idiot.

Hatchard - the queens book store.

Regents st - christmas decorations.

My former gym - believe it or not.

England - so fucking dirty but still so beautiful.

Hahaha.. on this pic I bet I believe I am gorgeous.

Let's open up the "heavens gate" to the past...me on a trip-

Hahaha...me looking fat on a trip to the "Jurassic coast" in England. But I was beautiful in my own little way...

Always ready to take of...Let's fly away.

Pic taken on a holiday to Scotland. First christmas abroad for me.

A refined taste...

What is that? To know what is good, and to know what is bad...for yourself and for others. Then if you know it, you are a true artist and can create so much...but if you don't you wont have anything. Life is painful sometimes, revelations can be...but what is even worse is when you are good at something and you don't even dare to believe in yourself or don't even try it.

Believe - and you will win it all...but if you don't you loose it all.
Believe in you - for good . . . believe dreams - because nothing is real.

So for who and what are dreams for...noone and everyone. If you believe it, it is real, if you don't, it have never even existed. So what is then left - nothing.

Believe and you will meet yourself.